I Am Sohyun

Hi! I am Sohyun Moon from South Korea, and I’m happy to be showing you around here!

I’ve done some amazing and rewarding things in life up to this point, like building a YouTube channel teaching the Korean Language and growing it to over 1 million subscribers, becoming a certified yoga instructor, being on a weekly radio program, and interviewing several celebrities along the way.

About a year ago, in March 2022, I had some life-changing experiences, and I decided to take some time to explore what I’d like to share with the world beyond what I had done up to that point. This helped me be clear about why I’m here on earth at this time and where I’m heading.

This project, A Jeju Story, began during that time, along with several others I’ll be sharing soon. If you want to learn about more of what I’m doing in other areas, check out all of my links.

Who I Am

I Am someone who is doing my best to ascend an upward path to new challenges and opportunities to share my light with the world.

I Am a Creator, and the Universe is my canvas.

I Am an Influencer of everything good. Because I like magical things, I call it a form of alchemy: helping transform the ordinary into the extraordinary by drawing out its true potential.

I Am always learning and improving, and I am seeking to develop the gifts and abilities within me to become the best version of myself.

And I know – sometimes I think we realize there is greatness inside of us, yet it seems so well disguised. So, like a magnet, I work to draw everything good toward me and leave no room for those things that are less helpful and less a part of who I really am.

Sometimes I feel like a really simple person, but at the same time, I realize I have many layers of complexity still the same.

I Am a soul, who lives in Seoul, navigating my way through this 3D world, never quite feeling like I belong here, yet loving life anyway, however displacing that sometimes seems.

And I Am  Divine, and so are you! I am not someone ‘ordinary’ feigning greatness; I am someone Infinite, Good, and Eternal, trying my best not to let my own mortal shortcomings become the defining side of me.

I Am an author, musician, dancer, singer, songwriter, animal lover, illustrator, and artist, and I sketch things on my iPad that come to life once given breath.

 I speak Korean, English, and Chinese, currently working on the language of Divinity, which speaks more powerfully than the others but whose whisperings are sometimes quiet and still.

I am currently launching a new Korean language learning book, writing and recording music, producing videos (soon!), and other content. And the next few years will bring many new challenges and amazing opportunities for good.

I believe in a world of peace that already exists; we just need to find it and become it.

I believe we create our own destinies, and I am determined to live mine!

Will you join me along the way?

Introducing Animated Sohyun

With A Jeju Story, I Am entering the world in animated form, which is very exciting!

We put a lot of work into the base character models, knowing there is a lot of story to be told moving forward. So, you will see more and more of Animated Sohyun as we go.

Animated Dongdong (my doggy) is also entering the world of animation in A Jeju Story. Isn’t he soooo cute! He’s adorable in real life and in animated form! You’ll see more of him when the full trailer is released in the coming months.

And more family members will appear in their animated forms, too, as time progresses! Can’t wait to share all of these with you. Please make sure to sign up for notifications so you can see updates about the animation as they become available!

Sohyun 7

Here is little me at age 7! This is how ‘A Jeju Story’ begins, with me exploring the beauty and magic of Jeju Island, where I was born. Jeju is where my family is from, but I actually grew up in Seoul, though I visited many, many times throughout my life, including as a child.

Here are some images of Sohyun 7 that I’ve prepared to share with you today. I hope you enjoy them! I’ve been told that Sohyun 7 has stolen the hearts of the animation team from time to time. And I have to admit she is pretty cute!

I still feel like Sohyun 7 is inside of me, and often not too far from the surface. Just as she is seen bounding through nature in the animation, I find myself still doing the same whenever I’m around tress, grass, or anything else that resembles nature.

Life is magical to Sohyun 7, and when you see the world through those eyes, the magic comes to life. Colors are more vibrant and everything seems to be living, even the trees and clouds. Sohyun 7 is a part of me I hope never loses its prominence. Note to self: make sure of that!

Sohyun 27

And here is Sohyun represented at age 27. She still has life and adventure inside of her, but she also can see some of the darker sides of life that have been there all along but which take a bit more maturity to appreciate. To me, though, those darker sides are not scary. Maybe that is part of the Eastern view of the world that is part of me. Good and evil aren’t always portrayed in such a black and white fashion, and what seems to be a shadowy creature might really be the manifestation of something very good that is about to emerge from that same being. That’s how I see it anyway.

It is true that I learned about some of the darker parts of the Jeju 4.3 story as an adult, sides I had no idea existed as a child. But it is also true that those sides do not discourage me, they actually give me hope about what is on the horizon.

And that is one reason I think I identify so powerfully with the Jeju 4.3 story. It is not about right or wrong ideologies or who is to blame for which parts of world history. Whether we feel more like the shadowy creatures appearing to Sohyun 27 or the bright-eyed view of the world of Sohyun 7, what waits ahead for all of us is an equal-opportunity transformation into the best we can be. And no one can be a better version of yourself than you! That is the truth!

I Am working on writing and recording a song that I’m looking forward to beginning to share soon. It kind of goes along with the new book I just published, and it talks about the Infinite potential in all of us. There is a line that came through powerfully to me when writing it. In the first verse, the line is “I am perfect!”. In the second verse, it is “You are perfect!”, and in the 3rd verse it is “We are perfect!”

Maybe it is easy to struggle with that wording. I know there are still many parts of me that I’m working on refining and will be for a while. And I’m sure you can identify with that! But you are also, at the same time, perfect! Aren’t you? Who you are becoming is, in a way, who you really are already. You’re just waiting for today’s reality to catch up with that Infinite reality. And it will soon enough. And, together, WE are perfect. Because making the world a transformed place, ascending to the highest levels of greatness, WE are all perfect together in that world. And that isn’t a fairy tale or a wish…it is real! And it is what waits ahead when we have the courage to climb the mountain that is in front of us, even when wispy, shadowy figures try to discourage us.

Well, all of this is part of ‘A Jeju Story.’ And that’s why I like to say that it is a story about me and my family, but it is also the story of Korea and of the whole world.

I’m just starting out this new journey in animated form, but I hope for a moment you’ll be able to be in the shoes of Sohyun 7 and Sohyun 27, even in this brief teaser.

Animations are just one part of what I have to share on this new path I’m on in my life, and I can’t wait to share more creations with you. Be sure that you are signed up to get notices of anything new going on that I will be releasing. If you’ll join with me on the journey, I will do everyåthing in my influence to send all the positive vibes you need to support you on yours!

Welcome to the animated world of Sohyun! And she is on a royal path of her own! So, we will be cheering her along her way as well! Can’t wait to see the reality she is creating for herself too!